Upcoming Events
Level 1 Virtual Workshop
April 2, 2025
10:00am - 3:00pm Mountain Time
via Zoom
Invasive annual grasses (IAG) - including cheatgrass, medusahead, ventanata, and others - continue to be a primary cause of rangeland degradation in the western US. In this workshop, we build upon concepts presented in previous events (see Resources Menu- Level 1 Virtual Workshop page) and focus specifically on turning strategies into action for managing IAG. Not only will we learn about the most current science around managing IAG, we will also hear success stories from ongoing projects and partnerships around the West.
You asked for it, you get it! A major component of this year’s virtual workshop will focus on answering questions submitted by you, the participants. We have compiled a list of questions submitted by previous workshop participants and will combine them with questions you can submit when you register to provide specific responses to those questions. Together, we will explore uniting landscape-scale strategic conservation concepts with targeted, on-the-ground management techniques specifically designed to meet vegetation management goals.
Level 2 Field Workshop
This two-day workshops are designed to take an in depth look at how you can apply a set of principles and tools to strategically manage IAGs in both Eastern Idaho and Northern Great Basin. Our target audience includes both land managers and producers. Whether you are from the area or from the greater western US, these workshops are designed to help participants gain knowledge about how to best tackle IAGs through conversations about various management practices depending on invasion severity and recovery potential. Management goals can vary depending on how success is defined.
Additionally, we will visit a spectrum of sites from intact core areas to other rangelands areas. At these various sites, we will talk about potential management tactics and explore how different government agencies are tackling the issue based on various circumstances. Through this field workshop, our goal is to have participants become more confident with the different planning and management tools and help them to determine best management tactics to fit their situations.
Idaho Falls, ID
June 3-4, 2025